Summer Golf Program

We just finished  4 weeks of golf for our summer program. Some new players and experienced ones had instruction and practice in all aspects of the game. Big thanks to Glenn Hockman of Mareric Practice Facilitates for hosting us. Big thanks to Jeff Rickenback, a PGA Pro as our instructor. And a Big thanks to the NJ Golf Foundation for sponsoring us. Thanks Chris Hunt and Danielle Osowski  for...
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Swim Meet 5-20

We ended swim season with our meet and banquet. Here is a video of the event.   Video click here   Thanks you mentors and families for a fantastic season- see you all in September!! Have a safe fun summer!...
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Presidents Volunteer Service Award Winners

Twenty mentors earned the Presidential Service Award in 2016 for volunteering 50 hours or more of service to the Morristown based organization, Kids to Kids. The award is a national merit award created by the White House to recognize charitable contributions within their community. The Kids to Kids program provides lessons and learning experiences to special needs families in the Morris County...
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TKD canceled 1/23

Pending weather with high winds precipitated the canceling of class tonight
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Running is on for Sunday January 15th

perfect day- sunny – 40 degrees  snow covered trails. Maybe  best for cross country sking! Ryan and I will be there!!
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Fall line up of new programs

Check out our start dates for all programs and see the many new programs that are being launched. We will be oporating 7 days a week!! And watch for the news of a fundraiser with Buffalo Wild Wings in October
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In Memory of Todd Gangaware

While nothing can ease your loss, Kelly, Kids2Kids is honored to share in keeping your Dad’s memory alive with this gift of $2,010 for your college fund. Many of our K2k families graciously donated Abbott Family Petrucelli Family Andersen Family PGA Foundation B Miller Family Quinn Family Caffrey Family Rao Family Carroll Family Rickles Family Chu Family Romano Family Ellerthorpe Family Romanski...
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Buffalo Wild Wings provided a generous donation to K2K

AMPAL Group, who owns several Buffalo Wild Wings as well as Blaze Pizza and BurgerFi Franchises, held their first annual company picnic in July. AMPAL prides themselves on being supportive in the communities in which they serve. During their picnic, they had a fundraiser for K2K, using a dunk tank! Employees made donations for the opportunity to dunk their favorite boss. AMPAL was generous...
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Swim Program Kick off

The program started this last saturday and we have all our swimmers back for another season. We have moved to Morristown HS. The Coach G has been a great supporter of the program over the years. It’s great to be under her guidance at the pool. Great facilities and...
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Fall Training 2015

Fall training will take place in late september. Dates and Times in planning.
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Fall Programs in Golf and Running

Lots of planning taking place for our fall line up of programs. We will be adding Golf and Running. Golf will be indoors and use adaptive equipment. Running will be outdoors initially while we have light. Looking for an indoor location for the winter.
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Taekwondo Program Begins

TaeKwon-do is more that a martial Art We focus on the best training for our bodies and minds, which will lead to a better understanding of ourselves. Our journey is about self-discipline, self-discovery, with an ultimate goal of self-control.
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